Surface Cleaning

Double the life of your 44k Barracuda

The new BC 705 high pressure cartridge for 44k StoneAge Barracuda shotgun tools has successfully enabled many of our customers to double the operating life between maintenance cycles from 40 to 80 hours.

The BC 705 cartridge has been engineered to improve seal life for the Barracuda BC-H9-C. The new cartridge assembly is a drop in replacement for the BC 505-S and is interchangeable with all existing 44,000 psi (3000 bar) Barracuda, Gopher, and SL swivels.

The chart below illustrates the cost savings achieved by switching to the new BC 705 cartridge seal:


Customers who operate their BC shotguns using very low flow volumes may experience a change in rotation speed. The slowed rotation is caused by increased seal torque intrinsic to the BC 705 design and should be considered normal.

StoneAge is currently offering low-priced options for converting your existing Barracuda to a low flow or extra-extra low flow version in order to take advantage of the new long life seal. Please see the attached technical bulletin for complete details on the benefits of the new BC 705 and contact our support staff to upgrade.

Tool info and manuals are available on our website: